Sunday, February 19, 2012

New Friend!

Duncan Dog has a cousin! Jordan and Trey picked out the sweetest golden retriever a few weeks ago and he comes home this week! We cannot wait for multiple puppy play dates, even though Duncan may end up bullying the sweet little guy. Duncan has some social lessons to learn.  And he needs some manners. And he is blowing his coat right now and shedding up a storm... that's another story though.

We cannot wait for puppy fun!
-Jack, Kayla and Duncan

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's is a tricky holiday for Jack and I. Since our anniversary is the week before, we rather celebrate that than Valentines Day. On actual Valentines, we stayed home (it's a recurring theme) and made pizza! Delicious.

On Wednesday, our small group decided to not meet and have the night as a date night. It worked out great - Jack took me to Rococo's for the first time. It was awesome. I'd imagine the place was packed the night before, but the day after Valentines, not crowded at all. Our meal was delicious and we cannot wait to go back and try more.

We learned Wednesdays are Ladies Night at Rococo's. About half way through our meal, I got a raffle ticket. About five minutes later the raffle began and my ticket was drawn for a prize!  We are the proud owners of a serenity water fountain.

There were four gifts and this one might have been the less useful of them all.
What's hilarious about this serene water fountain is Jack purchased one in college on a spur of the moment trip to Walmart (I know this because I might have encouraged him to get it). His was cool, but somewhere during the packing and unpacking during our move must have done something. We ended up throwing it away about 4 months ago. Luckily, this cordless wonder is now residing in our guest bath.

We must be destined to always have serenity fountains.

It is kind of peaceful.

But, I would have used the Keep it Local OKC card a lot. No fear, I will purchase one soon because they are awesome.

Happy Valentines Day, and every day.
-Jack and Kayla

First Snow.

Oklahoma got a little bit of snow (finally) last week.  The snow melted within a day. I don't think we are going to be getting anymore anytime soon.

Covered the patio quite well.

Not too bad for a first and possibly final snow.

This time last year, we had already experienced two blizzards, the coldest temperatures on record, and three days off of work. Funny how weather in Oklahoma works.

Ready for Spring!
-Jack and Kayla

Second Anniversary

I cannot believe Jack and I have been married for TWO whole years. It's been the best two years ever.

For our anniversary, Jack told his professor he would not be attending class and I am so grateful he skipped class for the occasion. We stayed home and he made the most wonderful meal and we had the most wonderful night.

As I walked into the house after a somewhat long day at work, I heard our favorite songs being played. All the songs reminded me of times in college while we were dating.

Below are some pictures, but they hardly capture the nights' perfection.
First up, Champagne.

The prep station: Steak, Bread and Cheese.

We had cheese fondue for our appetizer.
Jack's Filet with a compound butter mixture on top. Jack is so talented.

My steak (butterflied) cooked to perfection.
Dessert - cookie cake. Perfect.
Jack surprised me with this ring holder! I love it!

We had such a wonderful meal. It was so awesome to spend our anniversary at home - everything we used was a wedding gift from someone and it meant that much more to us. After dinner, we watched some of our wedding video and just had a blast reliving that day. What a special anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Jack.
Duncan Dog was crated most of the night, but he knew something special was going on. 

 To many, many more anniversaries.
-Jack and Kayla

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Duncan's Job

Lately, this is where you can find Duncan...

On duty, guarding our street from intruders and the flower beds from varmints. He barks a lot when while on duty, although this picture looks like he is sleeping on the job.

Unfortunately, we are looking at getting shutters for this window (we must retire the old curtain from my college days that doesn't match anything anymore and sort of looks funny from the street). If/When we get shutters, Duncan's job may be in jeopardy. I'm sure he will figure out how to open the shutters with his nose (I know dogs who have learned that trick).

Keep up the good work, pup.
-Jack and Kayla

Family Photo

I would like this picture to be on the top of the blog, but I can't seem to figure out how to change pictures. I managed to delete the old picture, but now I can't add a new one. I'll figure it out.

-Jack and Kayla (and Duncan Dog!)

Date Night!!

Friday is date night. This Friday was a pretty good date night. Thunder game and The Melting Pot. Perfection.

Thanks CHK for the tickets!

First game of the season to attend.

While at the game, we read The Melting Pot does reverse happy hour after the games - half price cheese and chocolate fondue. We couldn't resist...

Chocolate Fondue and our dippers

So good. Even better at half price. Yummy.

Turned out to be a great date night.
-Jack and Kayla

Long Day

I had a pretty hectic work week, which included driving to Waynoka for onsite training. It was a long day to say the least, but I came home to Duncan (Jack had class) and we decided to lay on the couch and rest. 

Little did I know, Jack thought the same thing.

A strategically placed blanket, pillows, and remotes for an evening of relaxing.

Thanks Jack! You are the best!

-Jack and Kayla

Poor Doug.

For those that know Duncan Dog well, his best friend is Doug the quail (although, we think he is really a pheasant). The other night, Doug got himself in quite the predicament.

How he managed this, no one knows.

Duncan, being the best friend, tried his best to save him.
This was one pickle Duncan and Doug needing adult help.

Luckily, Doug was free and Duncan was so happy - they played and played until bedtime.

(disclaimer: we know Doug isn't real but he is real to Duncan. It's cute.)

-Jack and Kayla